A downloadable game for macOS

Space Game is a Flappy Bird style game which I have been working on in Python for the past month. You can unlock 2 spaceships with a total of 3 to pick from. Currently, there are 3 dimensions and the game is relatively short but more will be added. (if a cmd. window opens up when you launch the .exe its Python running as pyinstaller uses this to package .exe files  from .py files)


Space-Game.zip 87 MB
Space Game Soundtrack 5.7 MB

Install instructions

When Installed open up the .zip and uncompress it then enter the folder and find the Game.exe or Game.app(if you are on mac). Python should run (no need to install it is launched within the .exe or .app) and the game should open. !IMPORTANT! do not play this game on a computer with refresh rate lower than 60Hretz or the game will play much slower! All the Game files are in the "Game Files" Folder(only on windows version) and the source code is the Game.py(if you want to edit it you need to have python(download it from the web) and pygame(after Python is installed run 'pip install pygame' in cmd or terminal)

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